10 Peculiar Differences Between A First Time Traveler and A Vagabond

calendar_today August 16, 2016
schedule min read


There are travelers of different kinds in this world. While some like to take leisure holidays, there are those, as well, who look for a backpacking adventure trip. The latter are the ones we, sometimes, refer to as the vagabonds.


In the list of these vagabonds are those who travel to volunteer abroad. Volunteering abroad is one of the perfect ways to live a vagabondish life, while making a significant contribution for the development of the society. However, just like everything in this world has a genesis point, so does these vagabond volunteer travelers. And, it’s not that difficult to find the differences between a first time traveler from an experiences vagabond.
The below infographic depicts some of these differences for you. Take a look;

Differences Between A First Time Traveler and A Vagabond

It’s no rocket science to become a vagabond yourself. You are just a volunteer trip away. So, book your volunteer spot now and start a life of adventure, thrill, and helping others while exploring the world. Get in touch at [email protected]  


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